How to Make Your Shoes Last Longer?

How to Make Your Shoes Last Longer?

A healthy body is the goal of every person. To achieve this, people do hard-leveled workouts but wait a minute. What is the first deed they should do? Have a pair of shoes that can last support them through thick and thin. In this article, we will suggest some tricks that can make your shoes last longer.

The life of shoes you wear while exercising depends upon how you use them. If your workout routine is harsh, the shoes will last for a few months, but your shoes can last years if you are lazy in doing work out. If you run about 20 miles every day, your shoes might only be the lasting half-year. Athletes keep track of their run distance.

Signs of being worn out:

If you are daily using a pair of shoes for your exercise; then after some time, you will notice the following changes: the tread under your shoes will be worn out, shock absorption will reduce, you will feel pain while running, and most importantly you will feel better when you wear new shoes. Most shoes last only about 500 miles; even the best of the best fails after that. So, it is better to take care of them and implement some tricks that we will tell you.


To make sure that your shoes last longer, firstly you have to be very attentive to them. If you pay attention to the simplest of details, you will make them last longer. Here is a list of tricks that may seem simple, but they are very important.

  • Many people have machines in which they clean their shoes. The best way to clean a pair of shoes is by gently washing them with hands.

  • After buying a pair of shoes, some people try to wear them the whole day; this can cause unnecessary damage. You must only reserve them for exercising.

  • Like gentle hands during washing, you must also be gentle to their environment. Do not play them in a harsh environment like with a lot of heat or directly under the sun. Use them only when you are about to work out.

  • The last and greatest tip is to keep rotating between multiple pairs. You should buy 2-3 pairs of shoes and keep rotating their usage. By this, you can reduce the load a single pair has to carry for a long time.


All in all, we can conclude that a pair of shoes can last very long if handled properly. They are very important in working out. Without these shoes, you are unable to do an exercise properly. So, you should implement the suggestions mentioned above and make your shoes last longer.