Bobbie Infant Formula Review

Bobbie Infant Formula Review

Infant formulas provide all the essential nutrients for the growing body of your babies. With that said, there is not a single baby formula that can be perfect for your baby. The only way to know if infant formula is ideal for your baby is to consult a proper pediatric nutritionist and try out the recipe. If it fits perfectly, keep at it. There has not been a newcomer in this category in the USA for the past five years.

However, Bobbie Infant Formula is becoming a new choice recently. More and more families are approving this formula. This article will dive into the details of Bobbie Infant Formula.

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The Origins:

Bobbie has been a revolutionary brand in the US as it has struggled against breastfeeding. Their social media pages, mainly their Instagram account, are full of stories that show their frustration regarding the lack of options and support in the nursing category. They aim to promote their brand with the aid of ground realities and experiences. They created an excellent formula that is equally beneficial for babies and moms to support their campaign.


Bobbie has crafted this formula based on European standards that provide stricter regulations than the FDA.
The whole point of European standards is to use organic ingredients and limit the use of sucrose (table sugar) while manufacturing products. Moreover, European Standards do not allow corn syrup. You will find the following ingredients in these formulas.

  • Lactose is the source of carbs in their formula, and it is the same for breast milk as well. Lactose-based infant formulas are ideal for babies as babies can digest them easily.
  • The protein source for this formula is their pasture-raised milk which has high omega-3-fatty acids and low omega-6-fatty acids. The milk comes exclusively from cows and is purely organic.
  • There is some added whey in this formula to keep the protein content of the infant formula reasonably equal to that of the breast milk,
  •  Many over-the-counter formulas have some portion of added vegetable oil to provide the fat content and essential fatty acids. But the recent studies show that the addition of these oils, especially palm oil, which is present in most commercially available formulas, may cause constipation in some infants by interfering with calcium absorption. Bobbie has steered clear of palm oil as the primary source in their recipes. They have used sunflower oil, soy oil, and coconut oil here.
  • Bobbie has included DHA, an omega-3-fatty acid, to maintain a proper brain function in their formulas. To meet the updated European standards, Bobbie has increased the DHA content of its formulas.
  • Bobbie does not add any pre-biotics or pro-biotics to their formulas, which are different from the standard commercially available recipes. The Bobbie team wants their procedure to be clean and gives this choice to parents. If you’re going to add such items to your infant formula, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician first.

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Their formula has a price tag of around $24 per 400g can, which means that the price per fluid ounce comes out to be approximately $0.23. Moreover, the shipping is free on subscription-based orders.

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