Built is a company that claims to manufacture nutritious bars. In June 2020, they came up with a new version of their energy bars, called the protein bars. The products are not available in any random supermarkets. They are available only in the Built stores. You cannot just purchase one bar, but buy a whole box. However, you get to decide on the flavors of your choice. They even give you discount coupons of 12% once you purchase their products.
There are hundreds of sellers out there who sell protein bars. The question is about how nutritious and healthy are these protein bars. Most of them contain an excess of sugar to make them taste sweet. Built bars have very little sugar. However, they taste very sweet for a protein bar that isn’t stuffed with sugar and has a very strange choice of flavors. The flavor options vary from milk to dark chocolate to citrus acid, water, erythritol, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, milk fat, and glycerin. The bar feels like marshmallows from within and, it has a chocolate coating. The bars differ in their fat and calories with each flavor. Initially, they did not have many options, but with their comeback in June 2020, they added about eighteen new flavors to their list. This move made many of their fans skeptical since there have been several instances where products go out of demand once new formulations are made. Honestly, they haven’t changed a lot from their initial recipe and are slightly better when compared to the OG bars. Although, if you are to judge them based on their ingredients, you would think their bars would taste like a random acid with a pungent smell. However, to your surprise, their bars are sweet and taste very much like candy bars. They are sticky when put in the mouth.

Although the bars are healthy, all the sweets will make you feel like cheating on your diet. They are that tasty. Getting a whole box of Built bars would ensure a healthy diet and at the same time fulfill your sweet cravings. You cannot carry these with you every day since they melt in the heat. They are to be stored at a cool temperature and, imagine coming home from a long day to eat one of these bars. You could slice them into smaller pieces and then eat them every time you crave sweets. They would serve as a treat to your tongue, and your taste buds will thank you. Since they are made of processed ingredients and not fresh food, they cannot be considered healthy. If you want it healthy and fresh, then an apple could be a better option for you. But on days you cannot carry something fresh with you, the Built protein bars could be a great alternative.
To conclude, the Built bars wouldn’t disappoint you but rather stop you from chasing unhealthy eating habits since it contains very little amount of sugar and fat.